The reality of death has a way of bringing every proud and arrogant person back to his senses. Every human being that ever lived, both great and small, died and never came back again.

All through human history it is only Jesus Christ that ever lived in human form, and died and rose to live again forever and ever; because He is God.

This also reveals that all human beings that can ever live, will one day die, because they are not Jesus Christ. Pharoah once thought he was God, yet he died and never came back again. Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was the then greatest and unbeatable king of his time, but God humiliated him before his subjects, causing him to take the form of a beast and on grass he fed for seven years, after which he died as if he never lived.

Death is ugly in that it brings unimaginable sorrow and grief to the loved ones of the deceased. It is however a friend in that it brings an end to human suffering and marks the beginning with an endless celebration with Jesus Christ who conquered sin and death through His death and resurrection.

This means your endless celebration does not start until you die. It also means that, that very thing which opens your door for endless celebration is what brings sorrow to your loved ones here on earth. It is however comforting to know that Both the living and the death will one day be before Jesus Christ who one lived, and died, and rose again, and is alive forever and ever. He will judge justly and will give everyone according to  what he has done.

It is appointed unto every soul to taste death, but but our Beloved daughter and sisters own regrettably, come with a bigger Bang,

Roxy this is not our plans ,Just few days ago we spoke about your plan exam in Kano by January,our plan to travel to kunwur this coming weekend 12 /12/2024  ,this is indeed a very sad moment to all of us as a family 

Your sudden death on Sunday 8/12/2024 created a vacuum in our lives, as we will  miss Your sisterly love and care. 

Rest well my kid sis

Adieu Rosemary (Roxy)


